
Our presiding bishop, Michael Curry, has noted several times: “if it’s not about love, it’s not about Jesus”. As followers of Jesus, we commit to loving God and loving one another. Regardless of how you self-identify, you are welcome at St Thomas of Canterbury.

And when we say ‘you are welcome’ we mean you are welcome. This is not code for ‘you are welcome if you morph yourself to fit in’ or ‘you are welcome if you endorse the same ideas’. Any community of Jesus followers must focus on loving God and loving others and supporting others to grow into the persons God is calling them to become–to grow into persons who are living into their God-gifted potential.

God is love and those who live in love live in God and God in them….(see 1 John 4:6)

Parish Leadership
The Way of Love

St. Thomas of Canterbury
Icon by Ruth Meredith, 2019

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